Apr 19 2023
At home with Louise Hjorth

We are excited to introduce you to the talented and creative interior designer, Louise Hjorth. With a passion for designing beautiful and functional spaces, Louise has become renowned for her ability to transform any space into a stunning and inviting haven.
We will take a closer look at Louise’s impressive apartment with beautiful furniture from Ruth & Joanna.

I would say that the 2023’s trend scouting is: More color!

Ever since I was little, I saved all my money for interior design. My siblings room looked like normal teenage rooms while my girls room looked like a hotel room. It has always been natural for me when I come to new environments to think if I lived here, I would have done this.

What are your favorite pieces of furniture from Ruth & Joanna’s range? Everything! But if I have to choose, it’s the Aspen coffee table & side tables that I have at home.